Home Owner's Association

The dreaded Home Owner's Association, which was thought of in the early 1960's is still haunting home owners and in some cases, tenants. We all have to deal with them in one way or another. MHN Properties has to ensure all parties are following rules. Owner's have to be sure to pay their dues. Tenants have to keep up with and follow the ever changing rules that come with the HOA. The HOA has put in place many great advantages such as; parks, pools, club houses and walking trails. I have compiled with the property managers the Top Five Broken Rules that we see with HOA's.

Top Five Broken Rules
    1. Unmaintained Yard - All lawns, shrubbery, bushes, flowers, gardens, trees, rock or other landscaping, and other foliage on or encroaching on the property need to be but not limited to: mowing, fertilizing and trimming of the yard. (The best way to maintain the weeds in Texas is to apply liquid wee-n-feed on a regular basis and to make sure when you mow it is bagged and not left down to re-germinate!)
    2. Trash Cans - Must be stored out of the front view of the property. ( This means in your garage or behind your fence.)
    3. Basketball Hoops - Must be stored on the side of the property of behind your fence. Basketball Hoops cannot be left at the curb or in the driveway.
    4. Fences -  Any leaning or decaying fences should be called into MHN and your property manager can asses the best means of action. Any missing or broken fence pickets must be replaced and is the tenant responsibility.
    5. Trampolines - We do not allow per your lease with MHN Properties.
What does it mean to MHN Properties if one of the rules is broken? Typically, we receive the courtesy notice or violation and depending on the severity of the problem we give the tenant a courtesy notice or lease violation. Courtesy Notices do not have a charge associated with them. Once you get a Lease Violation it can be anywhere from $20 to $50. It is very important that each party in a lease agreement is well versed on the rules.

I hope this piece of information has given you the knowledge you need to avoid any issues with your properties HOA.

MHN Staff

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