Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tax-Free Weekend is here! Make sure to mark your calendars for August 8th-10th. If you are new to
Texas and are not sure what we are talking about well let me explain. This is the one weekend when you can go out and save roughly $8 on every hundred dollars you spend when buying clothing, footwear, and school supplies. Too good to be true is what we Texans like to think.

As with every purchase there is always a "Fine Print". MHN took the liberty of doing some research to let you know the details. Some general guidelines to have knowledge of is the $100 or less rule. $100 or less means all items under $100 are not taxed as long as they fall in the three categories listed above. For example, a pair of pants for $80 and a t-shirt for $60 totaled, would come out to $140. These two items were both under $100 cannot be taxed but if you were to purchase a pair of pants for $110 the whole amount would be taxed. Make Sense? Layaway plans qualify for tax exemption if you the customer puts the item on layaway this weekend or if you make your final payment during the holiday. Rain checks also qualify for tax exemption but must be purchased this holiday weekend.

Shopping Tips
  • Make a list - Gather all the items you will be needing to prepare for the upcoming year and separate them based on stores. (Bring your coupons!)
  • Research - Make sure you know where is having the best prices to save that much more money on the tax-free weekend.
  • Shop Online - If possible go ahead and shop online to avoid the lines and hassle with crowds while being productive.
Saving money can lead to your Down Payment and MHN Realtors can help find you that Dream Home!
Follow these links for great deals:
Apple's Back to School Sale -
JcPenney's Back to School Sale -
Best Buy's Back to School Sale -

Monday, May 19, 2014

Let's Talk Watering

Everyone wants to have that fresh green grass that everyone looks at while driving down your street. Well, here is how you achieve a well maintained lawn – and no VIOLATIONS!

Proper moisture is the most important part of lawn maintenance. You can over-water so make sure that your lawn is received 1-2” of water each week. Remember that rain and dry swells can impede this so try your best judgment when you set your watering schedule. Check with your city for the appropriate watering days and times as well.

 Moisture Stress – If the grass does not spring back after being walked on it is wilting due to dry conditions. Waterlogged soil causes the grasses to wilt as well, make sure to not over water!

 Early Bird Gets the Worm- Watering in the morning is the ideal time to water along with city regulations. The morning cool temps allow the water absorb into the soil appropriately giving it the thirst it needs.

More Water, Less Often- Watering deeply into the lawn supports deeper root growth providing you with a strong healthy lawn.

 Soil Knowledge – Sandy soils soak up water. Clay soils absorb water slowly, so water may begin to run off at the surface. Knowing your soil will help you decide when and how long to water.

Proper watering in the next few scorching summer months will save your lawn and help prevent you from getting violations. Always be sure to mow edge and Blow your lawn every 14 days in the summer to avoid those weeds from taking over your gorgeous yard.

-MHN Staff

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Battle of Flowers Parade

Hello from MHN!

We are so excited for this year’s Battle of Flowers Parade! Did you know that the parade is now 123 years old now? The parade began in 1891 because a wife of a congressman, Mrs. James Slayden, wanted to honor the fallen soldiers of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto. She decided that April 21 would be the day of the parade. It now symbolizes the first celebration in the Alamo Plaza and is the founding event of Fiesta® San Antonio.

This year the Battle of Flowers Parade will be on April 25, 2014 at 12:30 pm! You can find information regarding tickets at

MHN has closed their doors due to this San Antonio Holiday! If you have an emergency our phone lines will be open for you to call! See you all on Monday April 28th!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hello Tenants & Homeowners,

Whether you are a current tenant or homeowner it is always a good time to do some preventative maintenance to ensure that your home is at its best! MHN has compiled a short list of things that can help you keep your home in Tip Top Shape and avoid those crazy mishaps like an AC Drain stopping up in the summer heat or your garbage disposal clogging up while you're having a dinner party.

Dishwasher- Does your dishwasher need a pick me up? Our property managers swear by lemony shine in your dishwasher. Once a month and you will have a hard-working dishwasher with no icky smells or hard water spots on your fine china!

Garbage Disposal- Garbage Disposals are a great invention, but take some special care. If your garbage disposal has been stopping up try putting ice in your disposal to sharpen the blades and break up any stoppage you might have. Always remember to not put bones, objects, or grease into the disposal.

AC Drain - If you start putting one cup of vinegar and rinsing down with two cups of hot water into your AC Drain once a month you should have no issues with your AC Drain during our scorching hot summers.

Smoke Detector - Smoke detectors chirp at the most inconvenient times. The best solution is replace all batteries in each smoke detector. This helps avoid any random chirping that you cannot find at those inconvenient times.

Garage Door - One way to make your life easier and ours is to make sure that you are greasing your wheels and tracks on your garage door. You would not want your car to be stuck in your garage while you have an important meeting to make it to.
If you have in-depth questions feel free to give us a call! Stay tuned for a video demonstrating these items as well!

-MHN Staff

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Meet Your Staff!

Hello All,

A Blog is suppose to be informative as well as fun. The staff got together and compiled some questions that they might like to know about all of our Owners, Tenants, and Vendors. We hope you enjoy getting to know us just as much as we enjoy getting to know you.

Keith Miller
Where were you born? Jonesboro, Arkansas
What is your favorite child hood book? Box Car Kids and Treasure Island
Favorite place to travel? Israel
What languages do you speak? Redneck English
Favorite dish of food? Salads and peanut butter
What is your position? Broker/Owner
What is your favorite part of your job? Working with investors and rehabbing/updating homes.

Where were you born? Corpus Christi, TX
What is your favorite child hood book? Charlotte's Web
Favorite place to travel? Vegas, Nashville or the Beach
What languages do you speak? English
Favorite dish of food? Italian Food
What is your position? Director of Property Management/Realtor
What is your favorite part of your job? Helping people find their "perfect" home and meeting and making new friends.

Where were you born?  Mt View, CA
What is your favorite child hood book? Dr Suess
Favorite place to travel?  Mexico Beach
What languages do you speak?  English
Favorite dish of food?  Italian
What is your position? Property Manager/Realtor
What is your favorite part of your job?  Getting to see the before and after of a home that MHN has remodeled. I enjoy seeing the little things in home make the difference.

Where were you born?  Leon Guanajuato, Mexico
What is your favorite child hood book? El Principito
Favorite place to travel?  Miami or of course, Mexico
What languages do you speak?  English and Spanish
Favorite dish of food? I love all food but I like salmon
What is your position?  Property Manager
What is your favorite part of your job? You learn something new every day and get to meet new people. I really like to work with MHN and love my co-workers.

Where were you born? Mountain View, CA
What is your favorite child hood book? Where the Wild Things Are
Favorite place to travel? The beach
What languages do you speak? English
Favorite dish of food? Spaghetti
What is your position? Bookkeeper
What is your favorite part of your job? My job is like a puzzle. I enjoy putting the pieces together!

Born: San Antonio, Tx
Favorite child hood book: The Jungle Book
Favorite place to travel: Miami
Language I speak: English
Favorite food: Arozz con pollo
My position: Administrative Assistant
Favorite part about my job: Marketing!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Hello All,

MHN Properties has had a very busy but successful year in 2013. We had a lot of changes in the company and all to better serve you! While we have improved our website, our property management software and many much more we still want to hear all feedback.Whether it is positive or negative, we value your opinion. Our goal in 2014 is to strive and exceed in customer service with our tenants, owners and vendors.

If you have any feedback, Please email You may see your testimonial on our new and improved website!