Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Battle of Flowers Parade

Hello from MHN!

We are so excited for this year’s Battle of Flowers Parade! Did you know that the parade is now 123 years old now? The parade began in 1891 because a wife of a congressman, Mrs. James Slayden, wanted to honor the fallen soldiers of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto. She decided that April 21 would be the day of the parade. It now symbolizes the first celebration in the Alamo Plaza and is the founding event of Fiesta® San Antonio.

This year the Battle of Flowers Parade will be on April 25, 2014 at 12:30 pm! You can find information regarding tickets at www.battleofflowers.org.

MHN has closed their doors due to this San Antonio Holiday! If you have an emergency our phone lines will be open for you to call! See you all on Monday April 28th!

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